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Development service for framed 35 mm black and white slides

A process now almost impossible to find, but one that gives  truly outstanding results. Chemistry  it is changed very often and monitored with litmus paper. It also comes  replaced  before the decay limit. The slides are  delivered  in the frames  5x5cm. 

The proven films with which black and white diaries can be obtained are currently:

Adox scale 160

Fomapan 100 R

Frame development 35mm black and white slides

  • I telaietti 24x36 sono senza vetrino, mentre i telaietti 4,5x6 o 6x6 sono con vetrino antinewton

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Riccardo Pascucci

Via GB Lulli 61

00052 Cerveteri (Rm) Italy

Cell: 3491583089

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