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First in the world, Bottega analogica makes Single8 films available again!

Here in the reversible black and white version 100 iso. The length is 10  meters.

Unlike the Super8 cameras, which have the tungsten / sun correction filter inside them, in the Single 8 the filter must be purchased and mounted in front of the lens.

The superiority of the Single8 system lies in the anti-jam magazine, and in the presser of the machine, very similar to that present in 16mm and 35mm cameras.

Development is included in the price. Coil excluded.

Single8 Fomapan R100 film with developer included

Spedizione entro 15 giorni.
  • Per la migliore conservazione della pellicola, si consiglia, in attesa dello sviluppo, di riporla in frigorifero o nel freezer, all'interno di contenitori stagni tipo Tupperware, o bustine sigillate, sia prima dell'esposizione che dopo.

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Riccardo Pascucci

Via GB Lulli 61

00052 Cerveteri (Rm) Italy

Cell: 3491583089

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